Common concerns about asthma medicines From side effects to prescription costs we answer your common concerns Find answers to common concerns about taking your asthma medicines. On this page: Inhalers Steroids Risks and side effects Prescription costs Inhalers What do my inhalers do? Most people with asthma have two inhalers, a preventer and a reliever. You take your preventer inhaler every day. It keeps the inflammation down in your airways and prevents symptoms. You take your reliever inhaler (usually blue) when symptoms come on. It quickly opens your airways if you react to triggers or have an asthma attack. Find out more about other types of asthma medicines in inhalers, like long-acting bronchodilators (LABAs) , combination inhalers , and Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART) inhalers . Ask your GP, asthma nurse, or pharmacist to explain what your different inhalers are for and when you should take them. Write it down in your asthma...
FACOPUD is a global non-governmental organization working to support the quality of life and achieve positive health outcomes for all ages living with this chronic condition especially those in undeserved communities. IIRAAO seek to unite advocates on behalf of all living with asthma, allergy and related conditions. We engage in global campaign effort in collaboration with individuals, local and international organizations, government agencies.